Clark Flores
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Investigate Web Attack (Let's Defend)

Challenge Write-up (Easy)

Lessons Learned:

Analyze and identify signs of attack using web server logs.

The Challenge:

We detected some web attacks and need to deep investigation.


  1. Which automated scan tool did attacker use for web reconnansiance? Nikto

Method: Check the user-agent of the traffic.

  1. After web reconnansiance activity, which technique did attacker use for directory listing discovery? Directory Brute Force

Method: Traffic looks like its trying to check for all available directories.

  1. What is the third attack type after directory listing discovery? Brute Force

Method: After finding all the valid directory, attacker moved tried all the credential combinations.

  1. Is the third attack success? Yes

Method: Seeing that this command worked, means the attacker obtained the valid credentials.

  1. What is the name of fourth attack? Code Injection

Method: Attacker inserted a OS interpreted command in their request.

  1. What is the first payload for 4th attack? whoami

Method: First command used by attacker is to check their privileges.

  1. Is there any persistency clue for the victim machine in the log file ? If yes, what is the related payload? %27net%20user%20hacker%20Asd123!!%20/add%27

Method: Attacker added a username to be used for login/relogin.